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Diamond Tool Production And Processing Equipment
(Total 12 Products for Good Trapezoidal Large Segment Grinding Machine)
Trapezoidal large segment grinding machine
Application:Suitable for automatic grinding of trapezoidal large segments. Characteristics: Segments automatic conveying and grinding; Automatic compensation for grinding wheel consumption; CNC grinding, high precision, improves welding strength; Optimized design of dust removal mechanism, friendly working...
Big size diamond saw blade welding machine
Application: Suitable for automatic welding of diamond saw blades(∅ 400-2200mm). Characteristics: Automatic blade identification, automatic segment removal, and automatic transfer of solder pads; Infrared temperature control and CNC process parameters ensure high welding strength and good welding accuracy of...
Large saw blade sharpening machine
The triple-sided saw blade sharpening machine is a precision tool designed for sharpening large saw blades used in various industrial applications. With its advanced features and efficient design, this machine ensures the optimal sharpening of saw blades on all three sides, enhancing their cutting...
Diamond segment grinding machine
Application: Suitable for automatic grinding of small (∅ 105-300mm) or medium (∅ 300-800mm)segments. Charateristics: Segments automatic conveying and grinding; Automatic compensation for grinding wheel consumption; CNC grinding, high precision, improves welding strength; Optimized design of dust removal...
Big size diamond segment grinding machine
Application:Suitable for automatic grinding of row saw segments(trapezoidal). Characteristic:Segments automatic conveying and grinding; Automatic compensation for grinding wheel consumption; CNC grinding, high precision, improve welding strength; Optimized design of dust removal mechanism, friendly working...
Core drill segment grinding machine
Application: Suitable for automatic grinding and sorting of core drill segments (∅60-300). Characteristics: Segments automatic conveying andgrinding; Automatic compensation for grinding wheel consumption; CNC grinding, high precision, improves welding strength; Optional direction of segments, automatic...
Thin core drill segment grinding machine
Application: Suitable for automatic grinding of core drill and thin core drill. Characteristics: The grinding process is designed according to bionics, resulting in better grinding effects and more convenient operation;High grinding accuracy, improving welding strength; Dust removal without pollution, improving the...
Application: Suitable for automatic grinding of big segments.Characteristics: Automatic conveying of segments, automatic grinding, capable of grinding 7 segments at a time; Automatic compensation for grinding wheel consumption; 4 workstations automatically rotate, with fast speed and high efficiency; Optimized design...
Application:Used for automatic detection of welding accuracy of ∅ 250-600mm diamond circular saw blade segments. Characteristics: The machine parameters are fully CNC controlled, with reliable detection results and high detection accuracy; Easy to operate, reduces labor intensity, has high work efficiency, and...
Diamond ceramic grinding wheels welding machine
Application: Suitable for automatic welding of diamond ceramic grinding wheels( φ 150-300mm).Characteristics: The segment is automatically placed, and the grinding wheel is automatically welded; During welding, the grinding wheel rotates and heats up, with infrared temperature control and high welding strength.
Welding machine of diamond ceramic grinding wheels
Application: Suitable for automatic welding of diamond grinding wheel (∅ 105-230mm) . Characteristics: The segment is manually placed, and the grinding wheel is automatically welded; During welding, the grinding wheel rotates and heats up, Infrared temperature control, high welding strength.
The primary...
Saw blade side grinding machine
Application: Suitable for automatic side grinding of (∅ 105-1 200mm) diamond saw blade segments. Characteristics: Automatic conveying and grinding of segments; Using sandblet for grinding; Optimized design of dust removal mechanism, friendly working environment.
A saw blade side grinding machine is a specialized...
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